This year I've decided to improve my habits.
There are ones that serve me well and others that don't.
Something I had seen a few friends of mine do overtime was to read 1 book a month.
They always seem to be happy and knowledgeable. I'd like that too.
September Accomplishment!
The book I read this September was the Slight Edge by Jeff Olson.
I have read this particular book 2 times before. The first time back in 4/29/19, completed 9/13/19, and the second time 10/06/19, however in my notes it seems I didn't log its completion. So, it was probably a year later.
2019 was a very heavy year...
Going Forward:
From the Slight edge I am going to begin instilling some new habits:
Gratitude; sending little messages to people and sharing with them, what I appreciate about them.
10-pages a day of a personal development book.
Thinking through my life in the long term (One hundred year plan), what do I want my life to mean, and working through the small steps to reach each part.
Becoming more serious about my sleep and wake schedule.
Finishing my uncompleted projects. The smallest with a sprinkling of larger ones, so I feel I have left no items behind.
If you too are interested in self development, the following link can support the beginnings of that journey.
I look forward to building my book library and having a representable list of helpful references to share with those who are looking for the same.
This information is for educational purposes only.
This information is also my opinion. Thank you.